The diple
Zelovo, the first half of the 20th century
wood, tin
gouging, cutting, carving, drilling
decoration: low relief, cutting, carving, engraving


length = 22 cm
lenght of chanter = 16 cm
diameter of stock = 4 cm


Et 8841
The Collection of Musical Instruments


The diple consist of a chanter onto which an annular part and a stock are attached. The stock is conical. Two cylindrical pipes are bored through the chanter. The upper section of the chanter contains finger-holes (arranged 6:2). Tin is inserted on the bottom of the chanter.


The chanter is ornamented with carvings, engravings and low relief (shaped as a diamond). Horizontal and vertical lines are hatched on the back side of the chanter and they form ten fields. Both the stock and the annular part are decorated with engravings and low relief. A heart-shaped human head is carved in the middle of the stock.