The pan flute - trstenice
Brezovica, the middle of the 19th century
wood, reed
binding, cutting
length 1 = 6,8 cm
length 2 = 13,8 cm
width of the transverse board = 8,8 cm
The Collection of Musical instruments by Franjo Ksaver Kuhač
The pan flute (trstenica, reed or blind flute) consists of eight pipes made of reed, fastened together using two small pieces of wood and reinforced by rope. The tubes are arranged from the shortest to the longest, in such a way that the shortest tubes are placed on both ends, and the longest in the middle.
The trstenice or orgljice were played in Hrvatsko Zagorje and further up north towards Međimurje, crossing the border towards Maribor and further. This instrument’s whistles are made of reed, and it is important to find reeds of similar thickness. The trstenice from Hrvatsko Zagorje are no longer used, but in the pas they were used as a solo instrument played by shepherds.